5 Reasons Why Your Gym Needs a Commercial Fitness Vibrator

Posted: 8/05/2019 Related items :

A commercial fitness vibrator is a part of a ‘passive exercise’ regime because it allows the user to workout without doing any active exercises. A whole body vibration ca to burn fats, lose extra weight, build muscle strength and increase flexibility in the body.

The commercial vibration exercise machine allows the user to stand on the vibrating platform with handles attached to it while allowing to adjust the settings just like a treadmill exercise machine will do. The body part closest to the vibration exercise machine platform obtains the most benefit from the vibrations. The user can opt to stand on the machine or perform squats, push-ups or other forms of exercises as the platform delivers vibrations throughout the body.


Vibro Machine

Benefits of Whole Body Vibration with Fitness Vibrator:

1) Weight Loss

Research suggests that a commercial vibration exercise machine does offer the same health benefits as activities like walking or running if done regularly with high intensity. It helps to burn fats in the body, thereby reducing extra body weight. Burning extra calories has a number of health benefits like better sleep, better hormonal balance and improved blood sugar levels. According to a study published in the journal Endocrinology, 20 minutes a day on the vibrating platform over the course of 3 months reduced fat in the abdomen and liver and also strengthened the bones.

2) Muscular Strength

The vibrations of the vibration exercise machine are measured in hertz (Hz) and refer to the number of vibrations per second. That means at 35 Hz, the muscles being targeted receive 35 cycles of vibrations/second, which is the number of times the muscles contract and relax in each second. The recommended amount of vibrations that have been used in most research studies is 25 to 40 Hz. These contractions result in increased levels of muscle activity in working muscles. Greater vibration frequencies (>35 Hz) have been shown to increase greater muscle activity than lower frequencies and resulted in an increase in muscle mass to improve skeletal muscle strength.

3) Reduced Pain

The pain caused by the progression of arterial stiffness is related to muscle tissue loss in the body. The vibration induced by the vibration exercise machine increases blood flow, facilitates the exchange of nutrients and delivery of oxygen to the affected part thereby increasing flexibility, improving neuromuscular functioning and reducing pain.

Vibro Machine Pro

4) Recovery and Healing

A commercial vibration exercise machine has been shown to increase blood flow to working muscles and surrounding tissues, helping to promote recovery and healing after training or injury. By increasing blood flow to these areas, the body flushes out waste and provides nutrients and oxygen to promote repair.

5) Ideal for Elderly

Whole Body Vibration Training (WBVT) is suitable for special populations such as the elderly and diseased populations who cannot perform traditional resistance or aerobic exercise training. WBV exercise could be an alternative exercise modality for eliciting muscle strength, improving balance, and increasing bone density in older adults.

Whole body vibration training has been used as a supplement to conventional exercise training to improve skeletal muscle strength, cardiovascular health, geriatric and fitness in individuals. However, while buying gym equipment in India make sure these products are fabricated using superior quality materials that are sourced from reliable vendors in the market and sold with reasonable prices to the clients.