Tips To Beat the Winter Workout Blues

Posted: 23/12/2016 Related items :

As mornings become colder and nights longer, it becomes difficult for even the most disciplined exerciser to get out of the bed and workout! Most people fail to keep up with the workout challenge and skip their workout regimen during this time of the year – WINTER. As a result, their fitness routine goes for a toss and activity levels start fluctuating.

If you too relate to this, then have a look at the tips featured here to get yourself back into the workout mode:

1. Acclimatize

One of the best ways to beat winter workout blues is to get yourself acclimatize to the weather. If you go for a walk, to the gym or jog out, then perform some warm-up exercises. This way when you step outside, you will be already warm.

2. Outfit yourself with new gear

To face the cold weather, you will have to invest in proper apparel like a thermal wear, gloves, jacket, beanie and shoes. Clearly, these gear will help you work out better. However, don’t go for the cheapest option available or the most expensive ones. Instead, buy something that will keep you warmer and comfortable.

3. Workout with a partner

A workout partner will motivate you to train and accomplish your fitness goals. It will become difficult for you to slip into the winter blue when a workout partner is waiting for you at the gym or for a jog! You can also try new exercises and cheer each other to reignite your workouts.

4. Planning is crucial

Winter is usually that time of the year when you take half-days, vacations to attend weddings or spend time with your family. You tend to work overtime to meet the work deadline. If you are facing time crunch due to these factors, its always better to set aside a chunk of time for that one big workout at the end of the day.

5. Set your eyes fixated on goals

Set a specific fitness goal or renew the one that you’d set for yourself. Make sure to put down the goals in figures – like losing weight in kilos/pounds or making your stamina strong enough to do 35 Surya Namaskars or perform a handstand pushup!

Getting inspired, setting realistic goals and mindful eating is optimal for a healthier life. Practice these tips to fight lethargy and beat those winter blues! Happy Exercising!