How to Beat the Chills This Winter Using Home Gym Equipment

Posted: 17/12/2018 Related items :

Keywords – home gym equipment

Exercising during winters can be a lot more challenging than it looks like. It eliminates the options of wearing tanks, t-shirts, shorts and the freedom of an outdoor workout. Also, the idea of heading to the gym while it’s chilling out there can make you feel lethargic. Factors like these increase the chances of you lagging on your workout routine. Moreover, the holiday season can make a lot of unhealthy food a part of your diet. This makes it all the more important to follow a routine and exercise regularly to meet your fitness goals.

Since winters can make outdoor exercises challenging, we’ve prepared a list of a few workouts that you can do using home gym equipment from the comfort of your personal space.

1.Barbell Bent-over Row

How does this help:

This is a weight-training workout that works on your upper-back, lower-back, arms, and hips. It helps you build a stronger and more muscular back with more powerful biceps. It is often done for power lifting and bodybuilding.

Equipment required: A barbell.

Steps to perform this:

  • Clutch the bar with an overhand grip at shoulder length and allow it to hang opposite your thighs
  • Lower your torso and bend at the hips until it is almost parallel to the floor
  • Bend your knees a little to get some tension off the hamstrings
  • Now, squeeze your shoulder ends together and pull the bar towards your belly

2.One-arm Neutral-grip Dumbbell Row

How does this help:

This exercise focuses on strength-building and works on the upper back, abs, lats, shoulders and biceps area using compound mechanics. It uses a unilateral pull force to perform this workout.

Equipment required: A set of dumbbells.

Steps to perform this:

  • Hold a dumbbell in one hand and fully extend your arm
  • Now, bend your hips till your torso is at around a 30-degree angle to the floor
  • While keeping your torso still, row the dumbbell in upwards until it touches your lower chest
  • Hold the previous position for a while and then lower the dumbbell back to where you started

3.Dumbbell Lateral Raise

How does this help:

This workout targets the anterior deltoids that are situated at the front part of your shoulders. Along with these are the supraspinatus in the rear deltoid and trapezius muscles as well. These assist the lateral deltoids while performing the dumbbell lateral raise.

Equipment required: A set of dumbbells.

Steps to perform this:

  • Hold a dumbbell in each of your hands and stand with your palms facing each other
  • Now raise the weights upwards and then outwards till your arms fall parallel to the floor

So, these are a few workouts you can do during this chilling season using basic home gym equipment. Make sure you eat right and get adequate sleep. Stay tuned for more winter fitness updates.